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Do you wish to go Scuba Diving in Eilat?!

Learn to estimate the distance under water

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Nowadays a lot of people are attracted by the underwater swimming, which means scuba diving. With the help of it, you can get acquainted with the sea expanses and see all the beauty of the underwater world with your own eyes. Prior to immersion in the deep waters it is required to finish a special training course.

Please keep in mind, that diving is considered an integral kind of sport, as at the time of immersion all the body muscles are involved. As the advantages of this sport one can mention full psychological and emotional relief as well as enormous aesthetic pleasure. Flora and fauna of the underwater world will definitely leave unforgettable impressions that can be well captured with a diving mask and a camera.


Diving in the town of Eilat in Israel will surely be exceptional and unbelievable. The Red sea and the Gulf of Aqab will enchant you with their beauty of extraordinary colors and sea inhabitants. Cave diving will not leave you indifferent. If you are a beginner in this sphere but long to see the beauty of the sea bottom, we recommend you to turn to the help of the specialists of "Ahla Dive", the specialty of which is - sport diving. Experienced masters will prepare you to the most unforgettable adventure of your life.


Orientation and navigation under water


It is extremely important to know how to navigate under water that is why the courses of specializations are very important in scuba diving. At the time of immersion, one must already know how to orient, and if you are a beginner in this field, first of all it is required to learn how to estimate the distance you have already covered and to understand where to head further. Having learnt those skills you will completely learn the techniques of navigation.

At first it is required to estimate the distance you have already covered. The best way to do it is to count the fin strokes. One should count the number leg strokes and its return to the initial position. The number of strokes - is almost the same distance that you have covered. For example, with 40 strokes one can cover 30 meters which means that each stroke equals 75 centimeters. Which means that a 1000 strokes = 75 meters.

Advice: practicing such counting on the dry land is useless as a persin is moving much faster under water.


Diving-course "Underwater orientation and navigation will reveal to you all the peculiarities of immersion and will provide you with a chance to see the unforgettable underwater sceneries.